Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jon B

While on tour promoting Cool Relax, he formed a group with two of his back-up singers, Dominiquinn and Silky Deluxe, named Jack Herrera collectively.[2] A full album, titled Retro Futuristo, was put together, but never officially released.
  - Wikipedia


  1. HA!

    No one believes me but I really did meet dude in the Atlanta Bread Co. on Packard in Ann Arbor. It was a Saturday morning and I went in for a egg and cheese sandwich - and there he was, with his crew, in all his glory - JON B!

  2. AHAHAHAAAH! I couldntve made that up. Bar is high already. I thought it was Sooc at first.

    Oh snaps i remember you said u met dude. Believe u too. Just prob forgot cuz that intersection sucks, despite having tight or goable places on it (PJ's, Spots, liquorstores, subway, btb, jimmy jons, Jules' old apt! still sucks over there), was always walkin in the cold and shit around there takin Pakard bus #5 to meijers, ypsi-puffer reds and such, hair cuts, arab markets were out there.
